Disaster Planning

Kassandra Dick
Jun 26, 2024


Photo by Alex Braga on Unsplash

Here again, this fear of losing what I don’t have —
The parachute I didn’t pack

Is this desire for the unearned?
Have I learned nothing?

I want my future, so I take it by the wings
and spiral into perfect love of being

Yes, I am in love. No it is not my first flight
I’ve grown out of the habit of falling

I will stick the landing regardless
but I’d choose you if I could trust

You want to take to the skies too
and soar through life together



Kassandra Dick

Free-range Canadian author and Poet. *NEW* Songs From The Mountaintop https://a.co/d/hJbYCPs My thriller, Habit, is available on Amazon: https://a.co/d/fZxm8O8